Feed a family in need - Donate $50
Donate $50 for one of the most requested toys
Adopt a child for Christmas - Donate $150
Donate $50 for a backpack full of school supplies
Adopt a family of 4 with toys & food for Christmas $400
Donations are tax-deductible
Use our cashapp $liftupatlanta to send a donation
Use our email address liftupatlanta@yahoo.com to send a donation
Before you donate, please see if your company will match your donation. This could double or triple your donation amount.
Help Lift Up Atlanta by enrolling in Kroger Community Rewards. Kroger will donate funds to Lift Up Atlanta when you shop at Kroger.
All you have to do is enroll on the following website https://www.kroger.com/communityrewards and choose Lift Up Atlanta as your charity of choice. You can either search by our name (Lift Up Atlanta) or using our NPO # 69656.
You can also support Lift Up Atlanta by shopping at Amazon. Just register on http://smile.amazon.com and select Lift Up Atlanta as your charity of choice. Amazon will donate .5% of eligible products.
Lift Up Atlanta, Inc.
11345 Tara Blvd Ste 4 #276
Hampton, GA 30228
Choose the program that you would like to fundraise for.
Join with your family, friends, church members, neighbors and co-workers to raise money for your favorite cause.
Tell everyone on social media, email or in person and let them know what you are doing and why.
Set a goal to reach and challenge your supporters to make it happen.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please email us at liftupatlanta@yahoo.com